Wellbeing is...well, it's complicated.
In scientific terms, it can be defined as 'the combination of feeling good and functioning well; the experience of positive emotions such as happiness and contentment as well as the development of one’s potential, having some control over one’s life, having a sense of purpose, and experiencing positive relationships'.
See? It's a complex multidimensional construct that involves more than just feeling happy and healthy.
In ELIF terms, it's about having a healthy body, feeling happy, being able to learn and feel like you can do something, choosing what you want to do and enjoying it, and having nice friends and family.
But wellbeing impacts beyond this and can support mental resilience, mindset, courage and self-esteem too. That's why it always forms part of my positive psychology coaching process. There's no point trying to build self-esteem or transform your mindset if you haven't got the basics.
But it's not all about mindfulness, 6 hours of meditation, cold baths and enough yoga to turn your body into a pretzel. I mean they will help many people, but it's not always practical or realistic.
In my experience, wellbeing is better served in those small daily activities that nurture your mind, body and soul. Things like drinking your morning coffee outside and listening to the birds. Or, taking two minutes to massage in a lovely essential oil-infused hand cream before starting work.
There are loads of products out there that claim to help improve wellbeing, so knowing which ones to go for can be tricky.
That's why I've put together a carefully curated list of my top 10 tried and recommended wellbeing products to help you unwind and find inner peace. I'd love to know which ones you recommend too, so feel free to leave a comment!

One of Neom's top 5 iconic hero products, this sleep inducing pillow spray will soon send you off to the land of nod. A good night's sleep is vital to all aspects of physical and mental health and is the number one change I recommend to clients if they want to improve their wellbeing.
This spray blends 14 essential oils including English lavender, chamomile & patchouli to help you relax and prepare for sleep. Just spritz your pillow, lie back and take some deep breaths in through your nose and allow the spray to help you unwind.

This beautiful diffuser instantly releases a heatless mist of fine scented vapour to stimulate your senses and boost your wellbeing. Depending on the essential oil selection, it can support better sleep, uplift your mood and reduce stress, all at the touch of a button. The De-stress blend of Tuberose, Cedarwood, and Ylang Ylang is the number one recommendation.
At £95 (at time of writing), it's definitely one of the more expensive diffusers on the market, and you can easily pick one up for about £25 that will do the job. However, with 4.7 out of 5 star reviews it might be worth investing in a little luxury.

So many people recommended an acupressure mat when I asked for suggestions that I simply had to put it in. The Shakti Mat claims to be the original acupressure mat and claims to provide total mind and body relaxation in 20 minutes.
Benefits include better sleep, reduced stress and help for people in chronic pain, especially back pain. I've only just started using mine and it was a bit uncomfortable at first, but it definitely felt good after a few minutes and I did sleep better that night.

Initially I was surprised at this recommendation, but the science behind it is hard to deny! The person who recommended it found spending time in a hammock helped their child overcome anxiety and sensory overload. When they themselves started showing signs of stress, their child suggested they spend some time in the hammock too.
With both cocooning and sensory/proprioceptive benefits, it can help de-stress and provide body awareness through the deep pressure on the fabric seat and the gentle rocking soothing motion. Despite not being the most obvious wellbeing product, I think hammocks have the potential to gently comfort and relax anyone.

Magnesium salts - or Epsom Salts - have been used for hundred of years as a way to ease all kinds of aches, pains, and skin troubles, from arthritis to insomnia, to bruises, sore muscles and sunburn. There are few scientific studies to back up the folk remedy claims, however this may because there is little money to be made from conducting such a study.
General advice is that soaking in a magnesium salt bath for 10 to 15 minutes is one of the best ways of replenishing magnesium in your body and is unlikely to cause harm, and at only £5 a kilo, this is one of the cheaper ways to boost your wellbeing. (Do check with your GP if you are unsure whether this is suitable for you.)

I'm in two minds about this recommendation. On the one hand these jasmine-infused self-heating eye masks provide 15 minutes of wonderful warmth to relax tense muscles around your eyes and help relieve eye strain, and I know many people swear by them.
But with my eco-conscious hat on, they are only single use, so there's definitely some pros and cons to weigh up before deciding to buy. The cheapskate in me wonders if a warm flannel with some lavender essential oils on it would achieve the same result... I may have to experiment with this one.

Weighted blankets are gaining popularity and are being bought to relieve stress and improve sleep. BedAdvice.Co.UK states that they are 'designed to provide a light, evenly distributed pressure (deep pressure stimulation) on your body that mimics the feeling of being held or hugged, and prompting your body to release the feel good hormone oxytocin.' There is research around them benefitting people with anxiety, autism, and insomnia, among other conditions.
As a general rule, a weighted blanket should be 5-10% of your body weight so you can move around freely and easily and remove the blanket if you get too hot. They seem to work for some and not for others, so finding the right one may be key. One thing is certain, you shouldn't give up on a healthy sleep hygiene routine in favour of a weighted blanket!

This simple 4-ingredient Balm claims to be suitable for all kinds of sensitive skin, even babies bums! It's made by hand in small batches and comes in a reusable aluminium tin. Perfect for whenever you have a skin emergency!

I've been using this incredible product for years and years and swear it has helped me get rid of headaches, and reduce stress.
Their website says, 'when the world closes in on you and your head feels a size too small, apply just two dabs of Origins relaxing formula on the back of your neck, temples and earlobes.' I always hold my hands in front of my face and inhale deeply for a few moments too.
This vegan, peppermint, basil and eucalyptus oil is a sensory treatment that promotes calm and inner peace. Just don't put too much on before you go out in the cold wind or your eyes will water so much you'll feel like you can see through time!

Another multipurpose skincare balm, this award-winning cult product contains 50 tamanu nuts, 21 shea nuts and a third of a coconut (60ml). Great for soothing dry skin, it can take the sting out of insect bites, improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars and it smells divine. Try a mini one to see the results for yourself, but I bet you'll be back for a bigger pot!
Other recommendations to improve wellbeing include gentle movement, massage (even self-massage can help), and for those brave souls a hot bath, followed by a cold shower = home spa! This was recommended for pain relief as it 'confuses' your nervous system and stops it sending pain signals for a while.
I hope you enjoyed this article and have found inspiration to try something new. If you want some more wellbeing activity ideas, why not sign up to my 28 Day Self-Care Challenge?
Each week, I'll email you seven positive psychology inspired activities that will improve your mental and physical wellbeing. You can do them in order, or switch them around to suit your schedule. Click here to sign up and see how much better you can feel in just 4 weeks!
P.S. None of the above recommendations constitute medical advice and we accept no responsibility for any action you take a result of reading this article. Please seek the advice of your GP if you are unsure whether something is suitable for you.
P.P.S. I don't receive any products or commission for these recommendations. I mean, I would love to (who doesn't love free stuff?), but I don't.